Ann Whittemore manages a variety of functions for an exciting mix of interconnected business and philanthropic entities in the SF Bay Area. As Program Director for Fort Baker Retreat Group LLC, a development partner of Equity Community Builders, she acts as Investor Liaison for Cavallo Point Lodge, a luxury San Francisco hotel located at the base of the Golden Gate Bridge. She manages the impact investment portfolio for Highlands Associates, and is also the Community Investment Advisor to Tamalpais Trust, a grantmaking foundation who partners with Indigenous-led organizations to promote and serve Indigenous cultures and lifeways, including human rights, capacity building, and protection of sacred waters and lands. A balance-seeker, Ann loves work and play, passion and serenity. She loves bringing structure to chaos, and evidence to intuition. She believes in meaningful coincidences – and her life is full of them – but most of all, she believes in justice for people and the living planet.