Annie McShiras is a bridge-builder who catalyzes investors to redistribute wealth & power in service of social and racial justice movements. Annie will be serving as Senior Manager, Client Engagement at RSF Social Finance in January 2020 after over three years managing & supporting investors, members and partners at Self-Help Federal Credit Union. Annie helped launch the Oakland-based Runway Project pilot of Self-Help’s new CD and loan product in 2016, aimed at providing low-cost seed capital to Black entrepreneurs at pivotal growth stages in their businesses. Passionate about creating the change we seek, Annie has been promoting movements and cultivating resources for economic justice, the solidarity economy, and systems change her entire career. Annie has worked on issues ranging from student organizing to worker cooperative development to homelessness prevention to impact investing. Annie has also served as Director of Development and Strategic Growth at The Working World and as Development Director at the Responsible Endowments Coalition, where she now sits on their Board of Directors. Annie has lived many places, but her heart is bi-coastal: she was born in San Jose, CA, spent her teenage years growing up on the east coast, and moved between NYC and CA as a young professional. She now lives in Berkeley, CA, in a housing cooperative with five housemates and a small urban garden and fruit orchard. In her free time, she loves to sing, write, travel, and cook.