Celina Adams began her early career in education and has for the past twenty years worked in the philanthropic and social enterprise sectors. Most recently she was the Chief Philanthropic Officer at the Thomas W. Haas Foundation, leading strategy development and working with the next generation on philanthropic literacy and values clarification. Prior to that she worked as a Senior Program Officer at the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation where she served as a trusted advisor to individuals, families, and businesses. In addition she co-led the development of the Charitable Foundation’s inaugural impact investing strategy. She began her work in social enterprise, directing global community investments at the Timberland Company, an early adopter and proponent of socially responsible business practice. Celina has served as advisor and board member to numerous organizations; currently she serves on the board of The Northern Forest Center. She is also a member of the Impact Investment Advisory Committee of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. She holds a BA in Political Science with a minor in Economics, as well as a Masters in Education from the University of New Hampshire. Celina lives by a creed recommended by Dr. Maya Angelou: “When you know better, you do better.” In 2017 she will launch a strategic philanthropy and impact consulting practice working with people committed to knowing and doing better in service to a just and sustainable world. She and her husband, Dr. Cameron Wake, live on the rocky coast and in the gentle mountains of Maine.