Kate Poole is an anticapitalist investment advisor who co-founded Chordata Capital with Tiffany Brown in 2018. Chordata Capital supports investors in moving money off of Wall Street into community investments that center racial and economic justice. We are an anticapitalist wealth management firm with a commitment to support clients in redistributing rather than continuing to accumulate wealth. We also believe that investing in racial justice requires taking deep shared risks and are excited to support folks in investing in community-controlled loan funds and emergent solidarity economy investments that are higher risk and require a longer term investment.
Kate has worked in the local investing ecosystem since 2009, and became a member of Resource Generation in 2013. She co-founded Regenerative Finance in 2014 to organize other inheritors to shift control of capital to frontline communities. She served on the board of the New Economy Coalition from 2018-2023.
Kate is a white Jewish dyke and identifies as owning-class. She loves dance and feminist performance art, and making zines and comics.