- BA in English. Began Buddhist practice senior year, followed by retreats, pilgrimage to Asia and three-year study of Sanskrit.
- With Margot, raised a son and daughter, now dedicating themselves to a more just and whole world. Delight! 11 weeks into grandparenthood.
- 35 years managing a green-certified timber company, highly regarded for sustainable and ecologically sensitive forest management on 128,000 acres in Maine.
- 10 years of collaborative leadership, bringing timber interests together with environmental community in Maine to resolve thorny issues of clearcutting and biodiversity.
- 30 years working with 24 cousins in our 4th generation family business to prepare to govern a family company after my father, who died (as chairman) at age 95 in 2010. Six years on Board of Milliken & Co, a textile and chemical company, and three on Pacolet, a real estate and renewable energy company.
- 22 years of leadership with The Nature Conservancy in Maine and globally. Chaired TNC’s global board from 2009-2011.
- Board service on multiple environment/conservation non-profits.
- 35 years of active philanthropy focused on environment, conservation, reproductive rights, “progressive infrastructure,” and sovereignty of indigenous peoples.
- 25 years participating in and guiding wilderness rites of passage.