Amy Panek manages the Environment Program portfolio at Park Foundation, which has long supported grassroots organizations, policy/advocacy groups, and organizations that take on corporate responsibility and corporate accountability campaigns; all working to solve vexing drinking water and climate and energy issues in New York State and at the regional and national levels. She engages with funder affinity groups, including the Health and Environmental Funders Network (HEFN), and continues to co-chair its working group focused on the intersection of environmental health and shale gas, oil, and petrochemical issues, and serves on HEFN’s Finance Committee. In addition, Amy is a member of the New York Funders Alliance Board of Directors and the Membership Committee for the Biodiversity Funders Group.
Amy joined Park Foundation in 2009 and previously worked at Kendall Foundation in Boston on addressing climate change and promoting energy efficiency in New England. She also worked for Massachusetts state government agencies covering such issues as renewable energy, smart growth, and public health emergency preparedness. She has degrees from St. Lawrence University and Tufts University.
Amy lives just outside Ithaca, NY, with her husband Rob and one-eyed Goldendoodle Bella, where they enjoy roaming the rural roads and hiking the gorges in the Finger Lakes region.