leo freeman is a thinker and a tinkerer with a musician’s brain and an activist’s heart. for the past eight years, leo has worked inside of the financial services industrial complex as an advisor (learning the master’s tools), then as a social justice financial advisor with adasina social capital (wielding the master’s tools in service of social justice movements), and most recently as the director of fund development with seed commons (building new tools to channel non-extractive capital to community).
a passionate advocate for intersectional justice, leo brings a systems approach to his work with philanthropic orgs, institutional and individual investors and financial advisors. leo is a founding member and inaugural steering crew member of the radical planners community, a co-creator of capital J collective, a co-director of (re)define, and a member of the transformative25 committee.
leo is not big on academia, but he does hold a few degrees from csu sacramento in jazz performance and pedagogy. he is an accredited investment fiduciary analyst and holds a series 65 license.
leo lives in berkeley with their dog, friend. leo is an anticapitalist, abolitionist, vegan, feminist, activist, non-zionist, anarcho-utopianist who reads a ton of queer theory and liberation lit and is focused on building and deepening community relationships and dreaming the world to come.