Manuel Vega was born and raised in Mexico City, and studied Economics at the Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM) and received a Master in Business Administration at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada. For the past 35 years he has occupied Executive and Board positions in different Mexican and international leading financial companies in banking, brokerage, investment management and investment funds services such as Banamex, Citibank, GBM Grupo Bursatil Mexicano, The Capital Group Companies, BNP Paribas Investment Partners, Grupo Financiero Banorte Ixe and Compañía Valuadora de Activos Financieros (COVAF). During 2014-2016, Manuel served as CEO for The Nature Conservancy Mexico and North Central America, a global leading institution protecting and preserving Nature. Since 2009 he was a founding member of a non-profit organization, Fundacion Asumo AC, a group of pro-bono consultants working to empower civil society´s institutions efforts which seek to promote social responsibility, impact, development, equality and common good. Manuel currently serves as Board Member and Managing Director of Business Development at COVAF, a leading Mexican company providing back office services to the investment management sector. For the past 20 months, he has been developing two social impact projects in Mexico, one in Ethical Banking and the other in non-traditional education. Manuel has been married for the last 38 years to Matilde Olazabal, with three married children and 5 grandchildren…so far!